A young girl named Jean grows close with the caretaker her town: a giant named Rosie, who houses them on her dining room table. Rosie shows Jean the importance of saying goodbye, even when it seems too late.
One-Page Plot Synopsis
- Several days later, Jean emerges. The town is figuring out how to survive without Rosie's safe access to the outside world. Rosie has been old for as long as the oldest townspeople people can remember. They can't move her body, and the food in the fridge will start to go bad.
- Jean remembers Rosie's son, Jeffery, and wants to give him the chance to say goodbye. She finds his information in Rosie's office desk and plans a risky endeavor to the mailbox outside. She manages to leave the letter, but angers her mother by putting herself in danger the way her dad did years before.
- The town mourns. They are unable to bury Rosie so they cover her with a blanket. People have to get water for the gardens/farms. They try to salvage veggies in her fridge. People fight and Rosie isn't there to mediate. Jean wants Rosie to come back. She doesn't want life to go on without her.
- Several days later, Jeffery shows up. He takes Rosie's body away and invites them to the burial. The town has their own memorial, Jeffery attends. Jean speaks. Afterwards, Jean's mother starts to embrace her daughter's grief. She finally understands how lost and hurt Jean has felt in her absence.
- Jeffery offers to help in the memory of his mother. It's not the same, but it's a start.